On July 13th 2024 an attempt was made to assassinate Donald Trump in the city of Butler, Pennsylvania, America.
Many people including they who tried to kill Donald Trump on that day will use this event to interpret it in whatever way it suits them best for their own selfish interests, in order to profit from it.
Such hidden and secretive enemies, if they don't succeed in killing you, start pretending to have been your friend all along. And this is not a conclusion to which I came from hear-say or a Hollywood movie.
But the bigger picture is different than what the entertainment and propaganda industry will show you in the media. The enemy of God uses and aims to spread a state of ambiguity, where Good can mean anything and Evil can mean anything, and whoever has the power to make the definition can decide what the meaning should be.
So if you are caught in this state of ambiguity produced and fabricated by the enemy of God you will believe whatever they want you to believe. But if you are outside of it and use the understanding according to the Spirit of God, in order to discern both good and evil
, then their make-belief won't lead you in the wrong direction:
But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.
So again for the love of the Truth I am sharing with you my understanding concerning this event. It is again from a Christian perspective, explaining it within a historic and religious context, related to Bible prophecy.
The beast
And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.
The dragon has seven heads and ten horns, and his crowns are on his heads. This is not how the entity really looks like, it is figure-of-speech that describes the nature and intention of the dragon.
And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
...and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.
The dragon who has his crowns on his heads works through the beast. The beast who has his crowns on his horns does the bidding of the dragon. A horn symbolically means having power. In the world a horn is someone carnal who has been given power by the beast, hence the crowns on the horns.
Outwardly the horn appears to be in charge, but the real sovereign in this relationship is the dragon who has the crowns on his heads. You can read about an example of this kind of relationship described in the book of the prophet Ezekiel chapter 28: Prophecy Against the Prince of Tyre (verses 1 to 10) and A Lament over the King of Tyre (verses 11 to 19). The Prince of Tyre in that relationship would be a horn, and the King of Tyre in that relationship is the dragon.
The seven-headed beast looks like the dragon, but is not the dragon. The beast is like a proxy which the dragon uses for the evil that he does in this world. Whenever one of the heads of the beast expired, the dragon continued his hidden reign through the next head of the beast.
Here is the traditional understanding of Christian scholars related to the seven heads of the beast:
- The first head was the empire of Egypt.
- The second head was the empire of Assyria.
- The third head was the empire of Babylon in Mesopotamia.
- The fourth head was the empire of Medes and Persians.
- The fifth head was the Greek empire.
- And the sixth head was the Roman empire.
Horns would be certain rulers or institutions of reign in these empires.
Throughout all this time the dragon used and exploited humankind through his beast for his own selfish purposes. Whatever advancements in technology and know-how were gained, and whatever developments of religious institutions and governance organizations were achieved, were preserved and transfered as much as possible to the next head of the beast-empire-system; to be continued and further developed there. While a previous system failed, the dragon prepared the continuation with the next one. The outward appearance of the new empire-head would be different, but it's purpose was not.
During the sixth head the Roman empire the time of our Saviour had come. Jesus Christ, He being our Saviour, not only gave us the opportunity for the forgiveness of sin through Him so we may obtain eternal life with God but also put an end to the pagan and idolatrous polytheistic system, which all these beast-empire-heads had developed throughout history, using different names and narratives to deceive the people into believing in their false gods.
This is the reason why you can read in the book of Revelation:
...I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
It was because of the victory of Jesus Christ over death that during the Roman empire the beast of the dragon received a deadly wound to his head. Before Christ the dragon who is the devil reigned over man through death:
But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man.
Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil;
And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.
The time intended for the beast was perhaps meant to end there with the Roman empire. The writings of the Apostles suggest that they were convinced to be living in the end times, and yet the story continued for almost another two thousand years. But Christ told them that no one but the Father, who is in heaven, knows the time of the end:
But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
For some reason the deadly wound of the beast was healed. One can speculate about the cause for the healing of the deadly wound, and I have my opinion about it, but the prophecy in the book of Revelation does not give any specifics about this.
So the beast during the Roman empire received a deadly wound, but the healing of the wound resulted in its continuation. The Roman empire first persecuted the Christians and tried to exterminate them, seeing in them a threat to their idolatrous system, because the people were no longer believing the lies of that system, neither were they spending their money on it anymore. This caused many Christians to flee eastwards, escaping the persecution of Rome.
And when in a.D. 301 the king of Armenia Trdat III established the first Christian kingdom on this earth with the Armenian Apostolic Church under the reign of Gregory the Illuminator, there were already established Christian communities here in Armenia, only that they previously had stayed in hiding. But when the Armenian king Trdat III became a Christian, the persecution of Christians stopped. And this was a problem for Rome, because now Christians had a land where they could live freely without being persecuted.
The kingdom of Armenia was a large country back then and the Armenians were capable of defending their independence, seeking to reduce dependencies on Rome and to stop being tributaries. And Rome itself had internal strife that weakened it.
So in order for the dragon to preserve the continuation of his beast-system, through which he reigned over this world, the beast was forced to give up polytheism and make itself appear as if a monotheistic system; hence the establishment of the Catholic Church in a.D. 325 with which the beast pretended to have become a Christian system, in order to maintain control over the people and not loose them to their newly gained freedom in Christ Jesus:
The Truth Will Set You Free
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.
The Papacy of the Vatican was established, which is the second beast described in the book of Revelation:
The Second Beast
And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
The Roman head of the beast which received the deadly wound got divided in the late 5th century a.D. into two parts: The western part which crumbled into various feudal kingdoms, and the Eastern Roman Empire called Byzantine with its center in Constantinople. They call it Byzantine for some reason, but the people of that empire saw themselves as and called themselves Romans; they were Christian Romans and they were proud of their Roman heritage.
Although the people were Christians, the leadership was still dedicated to the beast-system. The leadership tried to give in to the demands of the people as less as possible, while preserving the old system as much as possible, without causing an uproar in the population; until the time would come when the beast of the dragon would be able to continue with its seventh head.
So the sixth head which received the deadly wound that healed tried to buy time in order for the beast to recover from the blow that it had received from Jesus Christ.
This dual-standard of having a Christian population with a leadership that was still dedicated to the beast-system caused during the course of time the development of a shadow-government you call it the deep state. Prior to Christ there was no such deep state, the deep state was the state. But after the victory of Christ this state could no longer maintain itself in the open and therefore went into hiding.
As I mention in my article the Armenian Article published in April 2024 it was during the double-reign of the Byzantine emperor Justinian I and his wife Theodora in the 6th century a.D. when they introduced the concept of what you call Legalese into the Roman legal system; another description for it is the term Colourable Law. And the Babylonians, about whom I explain to you in the Armenian Article, gave you [the Americans] Colourable Law after they caused a civil war in your country, and used Abraham Lincoln in order to break up the Union of the States who had ratified the Constitution of We the People. They used the civil war under the false pretext that they cared about the freedom of black people in order to nullify your Constitution, which was established between those States that went to war against each other, and broke the Union thereby. Before your civil war in the 19th century all the people answered to the individual States to which they belonged to; the Sates had sovereignty and thereby the people had sovereignty. But after the civil war all people including the black people who were supposedly to be freed from slavery became subjects to a foreign entity, which you call the Federal Government, residing in the District of Columbia in Washington. And this foreign entity decided to give you Colourable Law with the appearance of a Constitutional Republic. Now if someone wants to ask: Why didn't they just keep our Constitutional Republic ?
, that's because they didn't control it, you We the People controlled it. But their Colourable Law system is under their own control, and as long as they can convince you to accept your Constitutional Republic out of their hands instead of having it yourself, they can control you and use your potential for their own selfish interests, to empower the beast-system.
Making the beast great again
Before your civil war, throughout history, other empires came and rose, but these were not yet the seventh head of the beast.
They who sought to empower the beast-system again, founded for themselves an establishment on the British island, it's center being the City of London. They mingled themselves with the aristocratic classes in Europe and step-by-step encroached the monarchies that existed. Through their international banking system and the financing of wars between these countries, they succeeded in weakening, overthrowing and taking over these monarchies, who either did not serve the beast-system, or who were simply exploited for the regeneration of the beast-system. The symbolism of the phoenix rising from its ashes has been used to depict this intention of restoring the beast-system.
They helped the monarchy in Britain to establish an empire, the Anglo-Saxon empire. But this was still not the seventh head. You Americans fought for your independence in the 18th century and freed yourself from this Anglo-Saxon empire. But the empire stroke back when they used Abraham Lincoln to bring a civil war on you, in order to nullify your Constitution and establish their Colourable Law with the appearance of a Constitutional Republic. And this is how the Babylonians over the course of generations succeeded in integrating you back into their Anglo-Saxon empire. And throughout most of your history your country has been engaged in waging wars throughout the world in order to pursue the capital interests of wealthy families, corporations and organizations.
All this was done to prepare the rise of the beast-system.
The Great Prostitute and the Beast
... I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.
The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.
This revelation was given to the Apostle John when he was already old and lived secluded on the island of Patmos. John lived during the time of the Roman empire, which was the sixth head of the beast. The revelation is given to John and therefore it is perceived from his perspective. This is the reason why it says: The beast that was, and is not, and yet is
. Because it was during the Roman empire that the beast received his deadly wound that healed.
And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.
From the perspective of the Apostle John who lived during the time of the sixth head of the beast those five fallen kings represent the previous empires of Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medes and Persians, and Greece.
To reestablish the beast-system there was an intermezzo in Europe. They helped the fascists in Germany to come to power and established with their stooge Hitler what many people call the Third Reich.
This was the seventh head of the beast,
it lasted only a short time of 12 years, from 1933 to 1945.
--== Start: ADDED SECTION - added on December 5th 2024 ==--
There is an Armenian hero by the name Garegin Njhdeh who at some point had the opportunity to meet with Hitler. There is a photograph from their meeting, but I didn't find it in time for the updating of this article. Often it is said that Njhdeh (or Nzhdeh) was a Nazi collaborator because he allied with the Nazis to fight against the Soviet Bolsheviks, and that this supposedly was evil.
But as I explained in my article called “eve-el„ : if the choices being presented come from within the state of anomaly, then it's not really a choice, it's just a fabricated mirror-image of Good and Evil.
So what does that mean in this case?
Both the Nazi ideology and the Bolshevik ideology were from the beast-system; it was not a real choice between Good and Evil:
- The Nazis glorified the race (Ahnenkult or Ahnenverehrung in German); they did not give glory to God.
- The communist Bolsheviks glorified their collectivist atheistic state; they did not give glory to God.
- And the Armenians have had from time immemorial a religious belief of worshiping the race as if god; in the Armenian language it is called Azg-a-gron, or Azg-a-gronk: Azg- (race) gronk (religion) → Azgagron(k) (Ազգակրօն). And Garegin Njhdeh as many other Armenians also during the time of the Soviet Union had this religious belief.
The ideology of this religious belief is that the individual is not important, the continuation of the collective is what matters most. In order for the beast-system to divert people from their real path of Salvation which is Jesus Christ the beast-system makes up alternatives as substitute, to answer people's question when they ask: So what does happen after death?
. And with this alternative called Azgagron people were lead to believe that after death they live on in the memory of the collective, denying that people have a soul that will be judged.
Monuments for commemorating the dead, like for example the Armenian Genocide Monument (screenshot), are built for such purposes. It should be known to you that the laying down of wreaths and flowers again from time immemorial has been related to goddess worship in this part of the world. So when those ignorant (and not ignorant) people lay down their wreaths around the eternal flame at the center of the Armenian monument which was built in the likeliness of a furnace where sacrifice is made they are paying religious homage to what happened to the Armenians at the hand of the turks. It is an ancient ritual of goddess worship, it having been adapted to the present time and circumstances, using ambiguity to conceal its true meaning. The supposed honoring of the dead is in fact a demonstration of consent with those dead having been sacrificed by the Babylonians. And when the Babylonians succeed in deceiving a people to give their consent to be used by them as sacrificial scapegoats for their religious purposes, then those Babylonians convince themselves that they do not bear any responsibility for the evil which they do to those people, since those people supposedly are in agreement with it; such is the belief of the wicked Babylonians.
This religious belief is still widely present here in my fatherland of Armenia; Communism did a heck of a job (to use American jargon in this place) to strengthen the hand of such non-Christian population groups. This religious belief goes hand-in-hand with those who adhere to the ages-old traditions of goddess worship, who seek to replace the patriarchy with a matriarchy, who see the woman as the birth-giver of life through whom the continuation of the carnal habitation of the collective can be ensured. And since such people who adhere to the religion of Azgagron see themselves as a collective to be god as the babylonian Jews also do, who derive their linage form their mother's side and not from the father's side as the Jews of the Old Testament did they made for themselves an idol of worship which in the Armenian language is called birth-giver of god (աստուածածին).
This idolatrous religious belief is accepted by those who do not have the love of the Truth in their heart.
But because spiritually enlightened people do not accept such nonsense like Azgagron, it is the constant occupation of the beast-system to dumb down people and populations, and to debilitate them spiritually in order to enforce such godless delusion on them.
Garegin Njhdeh saw in Hitler someone who shared the same religion as he did, namely the worship of the race (Herrenrasse in German), and he hoped that this could be used as a commonality to ally himself with the Germans, for the purpose of his own goals. Furthermore Njhdeh must have known that the Armenians are of Aryan descent. As I explained in my article called No bribes taken! : The real Armenians are of Aryan descent. The German people, the Persian people and the Armenian people are of Aryan descent.
So in all likelihood Njhdeh thought that this is yet another commonality with the Germans that would be helpful for an alliance.
But the problem with the state of anomaly is something which godless people just don't seem to be capable to comprehend that it is not real! The choices it offers don't really mean anything, they are just fabricated facades for the beast-system to last for a while until they crumble, only to be replaced by new ones through the propaganda-machine.
Because if Hitler had been real him having no blue eyes neither blond hair (as is the stereotype of Aryans) and yet was promoted by the operators of the beast-system to become the leader of the Aryan race of Germans then he should have known be it through Garegin Njhdeh or not that the ancestors of the Aryans come form where the Armenians have lived for millenia. The very word Aryan has its root in the Armenian language, blood means արիւն (phonetically in English: aryun) in the Armenian language. The Nazis themselves dedicated research (info) to the study of the origins of their race (Ahnenerbe in German). If race had such an importance for Hitler, then he would have glorified the Armenians as the root of the Aryan race; but instead he made his infamous derogatory remark during a speech: Who will remember the annihilation of the Armenians?
On the other hand Hitler called the Anglo-Saxon English who out of jealousy for the Germans's economical and cultural success had conspired to set them up for destruction through World War I and World War II as a kindred race, and he used this argument against the advise of his military command to release the English troops who in 1940 at Dunkerque (Dünkirchen in German) had surprisingly been captured by the German Wehrmacht when the northern army of the British and the French had been cut off by the Germans.
Such was the ignorance or deliberate charlatanry of this man Hitler who lead the Aryan people of Germany them having developed a Christian civilization in the course of their history into ruin. Remember this when you listen to or read his speeches about the Aryan race; how little he knew (or cared to know) about them. The image of such puppets is fabricated by the beast-system through the propaganda-machine, and Hitler was not and is not the only such example.
This anti-Christ religion the religion of worshiping their race as if god was the religion of the Nazis who wanted to establish a one thousand year reign for their Third Reich the seventh head of the beast but they lasted only a short time only 12 years because the intention of the beast-system is not to ensure the continuation of a Christian civilization;
the beast-system makes war against Christianity.
But be it known to you,
when it comes to God He could not care less about what type of blood runs through your veins;
God searches the hearts and reins of men:
... and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts ...
--== End: ADDED SECTION ==--
Usually people think that the Third Reich must have come after a second one, and indeed the Germans had established in the late 15th century a.D. the Holy Roman Empire of German Nation. However, the term Third Reich is related to a supposed Christian philosophy which the Germans had developed. This philosophy regarded the time of the Old Testament as the Reich of the Father, the time of the New Testament as the Reich of the Son Jesus Christ, and therefore this German philosophy anticipated that there would be a Third Reich of the Holy Ghost. A man by the name of Joachim von Floris is attributed with having had this idea. But this was a wrong concept and is not found in Scripture. Christ clearly said that when He returns to the Father, He will send us the Holy Ghost. So the time of the New Testament already is the Reich of the Holy Ghost:
But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:
The Work of the Holy Spirit
Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.
It shouldn't have been difficult for the German people of that time to figure out that this philosophy was a wrong concept. Nevertheless they had this philosophy about a Third Reich even before the rise of the Nazis. The Nazis used this idea for propaganda purposes because it served them well, but during the second World War Hitler forbade using this term any longer for their national-socialist empire project.
Using World War One and Two which should be seen as the same war with a pause in between the Babylonians succeeded in weakening the nations of Europe and Russia. And this paved the way for America to rise in power in order to use its economic strength and military potential as enforcement tools for the reestablishment of the beast-system as the Anglo-Saxon empire:
And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.
So the Roman Empire, which is one of the seven, was reestablished as the eighth.
And you Americans have been instrumental in this process up to the point that your country is being consumed to maintain this beast-system. As Christians you ought to have no part in it. You have not gained from it, instead your living standards have consistently decreased, with the purchasing power of your currency being devalued over all these years. And they who run this beast-system do not care the least about you.
As Christians you ought to side with the Lamb who overcomes this beast-system, that is Jesus Christ:
These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.
But instead you find yourselves entangled in a state of ambiguity, which these Babylonians establish wherever they seek to maintain power over a people. They are described as riding the beast, which means controlling to which direction its actions are lead:
The Great Prostitute and the Beast
... and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.
And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.
And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.
And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.
For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.
And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.
Just as the Apostle John was wondering about the whore with great admiration
, you also have been captivated by the entertainment industry of this babylonian system, which makes you believe whatever you desire to believe. So, no matter how many wars you start in the world, no matter how many regime changes your agencies bring about, no matter how much corruption takes place in your own country, no matter how much chaos, pollution, destruction and suffering you cause throughout the world, your babylonian entertainment industry shows you as being the good guys;
and they deceive you thereby.
The Babylonians do not care about Good and Evil. They want to be beyond Good and Evil, defining whatever serves their wicked desires as good and whatever goes against it as evil. But for the purpose of control they create two opposites which they present before the people to let them believe that they can choose between Good and Evil; whether this be Republicans vs Democrats, Capitalism vs Communism, the Left vs the Right, when they put such choices before you it's not really a choice, it remains within their system. They vehemently attack anyone who tries to break out of this controlled system in order to pursue an independent path. And Donald Trump is not the only one who has had this experience, only that in his case they threw at him everything they got, and he still remained standing.
So what has this now to do with the assassination attempt on Donald Trump on July 13th in Butler, Pennsylvania?
God showed you on July 13th in no uncertain terms that you have been part of the beast-system and not the good guys. And many people don't want you to be the good guys, because then they would loose badly.
The First Beast
And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
The dragon has used the seven-headed beast to establish for himself a kingdom on this earth, in opposition to God's kingdom, for which you if you are Christian pray every time with the Lord's prayer that it may come. The babylonian system has sought to bring about their own saviour which unlike Christ is under their own control. And even if you are not a Christian, you should know that they could not care less about what you believe. They are so obsessed I repeat, they are so obsessed with their anti-Christ project, that they will not hesitate to sacrifice anyone who happens to be under their control, in order to achieve the goals of their wishful thinking, based on the imagination of their godlessness.
They mimic the Truth in order to negate it. They go to great lengths concerning the efforts for their idolatrous projects, even over the course of generations and centuries. And they have been engaged in their anti-Christ Israel project in Palestine as I explained in part 2 of my initial article while your government and the British together being the Anglo-Saxon empire have entangled you in so many ways through their bureaucratic apparatus as to forcibly cause you to support their projects of rebellion against God.
But the time given to the dragon has expired. I explained this in the Armenian version of my article which goes into more details related to the topics that I explained in the English version. It also contains topics related to Armenia, and events that I encountered during the more than ten years of persecution in my own homeland, which these bedeviled people did not intend to stop, and after ten years even added the eleventh with more vigor. But the more they try, the stronger you become. Therefore the text of the Armenian version of my article contains some strong language which you if you don't understand the context and the history of Armenia may find offending. But be it known to you that against such a stiff-necked and bedeviled people you won't get far with only politeness. Nevertheless, in the section about the 42 months of the dragon I do explain how and when the time of the dragon expired. All relevant governments your own being one of the first immediately took notice of the information which I explain in that article and they sought translation for it.
The First Beast
And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.
So the time of the dragon has expired, regardless of how stiff-necked your leadership is be it Republican or Democrat when it comes to supporting the anti-Christ Israel project in Palestine, or their criminal money-laundering schemes in Ukraine due to the vested interests that they have because of their entanglement with this enemy or because of the need to cover up the innumerable crimes that successive American governments have been involved in be it in your own country or abroad with which they have piled on shame on your once proud name.
The message of July 13th is:
Detach yourself from the beast-system.
Whosoever remains entangled with it will go down with it.
Some of you may not like the taste of this writing. And some of you may want to believe that you still are the Land of the free and the home of the brave
, and I wish it were so. But the reality in the world, be it in your own country or abroad, shows that it is not so. Because of the influence of godless culture you have strayed way off mark where the principles of your own founding fathers intended you to remain.
Will you hear the message which God gave you on July 13th?
Now the enemy is very cunning and their is no end to their lie and deceit, except when God will finally put an end to it. They will not hesitate to exploit the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, to interpret it in whatever way they deem it to be useful for their own selfish interests, and they already are at the time of this writing engaged in such activity.
But if you want a confirmation, besides my explanation in this article, about who sent you this clear message on July 13th 2024, a confirmation even out of the mouth of one of the spokesperson's of this enemy, then you can recall the remark of Joe Biden who through fraud was made your president when he was quoted as having said on July 8th:
Only an act of God will dislodge me.
- DC In Turmoil As Biden Says Only 'Act Of God' Will Dislodge Him
ZeroHedge website - published July 8th 2024 (screenshot)
And the commentary of ZeroHedge added mockingly: Get the popcorn...
So, have you been satisfied with this entertainment
having your popcorn at hand
while watching the event on July 13th?
Having remained standing
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending,
saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.
When the Lord says He is the Alpha and Omega
, it is in regard to everything. But in the context of Christian nations, Armenia is the Alpha the first and your nation America is the Omega, all the other nations are in between; that's the fullness of Christ in the context of Christian nations. This does not mean that everyone in these nations is a Christian; it means that through much hardship, persecution and perseverance Christianity was established in these nations.
It has been the endeavor of the dragon to destroy Christianity in order to establish his kingdom instead of God's on this earth. And in order to achieve this he mimicked Him who is the true God, God Almighty; trying to fabricate for every aspect which is God or of God a mirror-image, or to corrupt that which is for God and by God. Out of jealousy and pride the dragon has tried to replace the Truth, and the meaning of that which is real, with false images and idols of worship under his control. And during all this time the dragon has not worked on anything else other than trying to achieve this goal, knowing that he has only limited time:
Satan Thrown Down to Earth
Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.
But through the effort of the faithful not on our own but through faith in God the dragon did not get his desired result.
In the Armenian version of my article, in the section about the 42 months of the dragon, which I translated into English for you, I explain that the attack on the World Trade Center in New York which happened on September 11th 2001 was planned to take place on the real birthday of our Lord Jesus Christ, counting in the ten day shift which the Papacy of Rome fabricated in a.D. 1582 when they created the Gregorian calendar for public use.
Not only does the Sphinx monument in Egypt testify that the beginning of the year is Virgo hence the head of the Sphinx resembling a virgin, and the end of the year is Leo, hence the body of a lion but you also have the before mentioned Baptist pastor Conrad Owen Jarrell, whom I quoted and commemorated in my initial article published in April 2024. He gave a sermon explaining in great detail the astronomical events that occurred leading to the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. The name of his sermon is: The Birth of Christ. You can listen to his explanation here:
Audio download in mp3 format
...in 2 BC these two factors were in agreement for about fourteen hours on September the 1st, from 6:30 AM to 8:30 PM Palestine time.
The calender was made to serve us for signs and seasons, not the other way around:
The Creation of the World
And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
And furthermore God foretold Christ's birth from a virgin even at the very beginning:
And the LORD Yahweh God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.
And the LORD Yahweh God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:
And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
Women don't have seed; the genealogy of nations has traditionally always been counted from the male side. It's God's opponent who tries to change everything to the opposite. So in Genesis 3:15 you have a reference to a birth from a virgin. And this birth from a virgin occurred some four thousand years after the fall of man in the Garden of Eden, which was located in some nearby area from where I am writing these explanations for you.
So the cross having remained standing in the ruins of the World Trade Center on September 11th 2001, symbolized that your nation has the spirit to deny the dragon his desired victory over you. But because of godless culture, and because so many of your spiritual leaders, either corrupted themselves, or betrayed the faithful, or did not withstand the persecution, or settled for some appeasement with the enemy like for example the concept of Judeo-Christianity which is nonsense or because they agreed to make themselves dependent from your godless state apparatus in exchange for a tax-deductible status ( 501(c)(3) ) which religious institutions did not need to ask for in the past so because of such reasons the enemy got less than one inch close on July 13th 2024 to take away your nations victory in Christ Jesus over him.
Now Donald Trump himself may or may not be a godly person, I am not judging that here. But if God can use the king of Babylon Nebuchadnezzar to execute His judgment as you can read in the books of the Old Testament then surely God can also use a billionaire from New York City to do His work. And since you We the People voted for Donald Trump to be your president, it was you as a nation who through him remained standing on July 13th 2024.
So do not let the enemy cause you to fumble your victory in Christ Jesus over him.
There is nothing wrong with this picture in godliness:
But if you intend to pursue your endeavors for anti-Christ, then this iconic photo will remain only an image that serves the desires of your wishful thinking; it will not become reality in godlessness.