During the days of April 14th and April 15th of 2024 I was inspired to write a lengthy article and post it in the thread Palestine Open Thread 2024-110 on the public forum of the website called Moon of Alabama. I got interested in writing this article after I had read in the news that Nicaragua had been chosen to blame Germany yet again Germany for the crimes that were being committed by anti-Christ Israel in Gaza and Palestine.
Since it is not possible to post such a lengthy article in one piece as a comment on that forum for which it is not set up anyway I had to divide the article into 5 parts to post them separately, one after the other.
The posting of this article's 5 parts took some time. After finally posting the first three parts of the article some mechanism kicked in that prevented me from posting the remaining two parts. So the fourth part was sent on April 15th but some mechanism prevented it from appearing in the thread of that public forum. I guess the moderation of that forum was not sure how to evaluate this posting. On the next day April 16th when I checked the thread Palestine Open Thread 2024-110 on that forum, I saw that the fourth part of my article had finally been approved by the moderation and it did appear in that thread. So I was able to continue with my posting and also posted the fifth part of this article on April 16th.
This article remained for about one day publicly visible on that forum.
These are the expired links of the individual parts of this article which I posted on the Moon of Alabama website:
- Part 1 - initially comment #197
- Part 2 - initially comment #198
- Part 3 - initially comment #199
- Part 4 - initially comment #203
- Part 5 - initially comment #209
This is not a critique on my part against the moderation of that forum, they can decide whatever they want to appear on their website. I just mention it for the purpose of this chronicle.
After having posted this article, additional information came to my mind which I could have added to the initial posting. But being so exhausted from those consecutive days of writing, with little rest in between, I left out some information which those who read and got interested in my article may also find interesting. And since the moderation was instructed to remove the article from their public forum for whatever reason, be it positive or negative I decided to publish this chronicle on my own domain; for anyone who is interested. So if you try to reach this article with the links pointing to the Moon of Alabama website, you won't find it there anymore because it is no longer on that forum. However, my previously made comment #161 (screenshot) in the Palestine Open Thread 2024-107 thread is still there while I am preparing this chronicle for publishing.
The important part is that my article was posted all 5 parts just in time when it was necessary that people who were meant to get it, got it. So the Rohirrim arrived just in time on the battlefield of the great clash; just not on the image-screen of a Hollywood movie, but on the world-stage of current events.
Since that engagement with the enemy has been accomplished successfully and in time, prepare yourself for the next and as I think final engagement with this enemy. I have added more information to the original article, to give you more context.
I got feedback confirmation in the news media from the people who were meant to get it, and since I mentioned in part 2 of my article: "if I ever manage to finish writing this lengthy article", I decided to add some additional information to the initial posting, which those who got interested in the original article should also find interesting, if not even more.
I will mark in this chronicle each additional section which was added after the initial posting accordingly, so you can know what was posted first. And I have also corrected some highlighting of the text, typos and grammatical errors that had still remained after so many hours of proof-reading.
I have corrected for this chronicle the following phrases of the original posting:
a journey back in history
changed to:a journey back and forth in history
for the remittance of their sins
changed to:for the atonement of their sins
He sacrificed Himself to fulfill
changed to:He sacrificed Himself as the only begotten Son to fulfill
to redeem them at some point in time from their sinful state
changed to:to redeem man at some point in time from his sinful state
the sinful state of their parents
changed to:the sinful state of their original parents
they embraced their wishful belief
changed to:they embraced the babylonian wishful belief
people of that area
changed to:people of that region
using the descendants of some khazarian tribes, which they
changed to:using some khazarian tribes, the descendants of Ashkenaz who was the brother of Torgom, the father of Hayk whom they
incorporated into their Judaism
changed to:incorporated into their babylonian Judaism
Added on April 21st 2024:
After having published my article on April 20th, this ZeroHedge article House Passes Ukraine Funding Bill On Hitler's Birthday brought to my remembrance that Hitler's birthday was on April 20th, the very same day that I published this article on my own domain. Hitler is quoted as having said:
Who will remember the annihilation of the Armenians?
Well, I think many.
The Armenian Genocide [ The Hidden Holocaust ] 1992 Documentary
YouTube video, 43:06 min
direct download (in case you encounter restrictions on YouTube)
Added on April 24th and 25th 2024:
I have added to this article some photos and illustrations related to the persons that I mention in this explanation. You should know that various english-speaking encyclopedias and websites on the Internet will give you different and falsified accounts about the history of the Armenians. If you find information that deviates from the account that I have given you with this article, you can count it as propaganda of Armenian's enemies.
I also have pointed out the lineage of Nimrod whose grandfather Ham had been cursed by Noah.
Added on May 8th 2024:
I have added further clarification about the mistranslation of the name Torgom to Togarmah.
Added on December 5th 2024:
I took the time in November and December of 2024 to go over all my 6 articles published since April 2024 and updated them. I have corrected grammatical errors, changed wording or phrases which in the English did not convey the intended meaning, corrected errors in punctuation and text formatting, adjusted some text highlighting, and synchronized the HTML structure and syntax of the programming code. Furthermore two new passages have been added here and here.
You will find all my articles archived on the Wayback Machine here and here. Support the Wayback Machine if you can, currently I can not make a donation to them myself because of having been cut off from the SWIFT transaction system quite a while ago.
Having explained the circumstances, lets get to the article of this chronicle:
The Armenian Article
by Gevorg
Part 1 of a very lengthy article.
As a follow-up to my comment #161 (screenshot) in which I mentioned Nicaragua currently being used to blame Germany for the crimes being committed by anti-Christ Israel in Gaza and against the Palestinian people, I post this article.
It is going to become a lengthy article. While writing it I was inspired to explain various topics related to history and religion. I post it here because I think that the audience of and the participants on this forum will benefit if they become aware of some historic and religious context in order to better understand the meaning of current events and of such news items about Nicaragua when they are produced for public consumption. If I can not post this lengthy article in one piece on this forum due to character limitation for comments I will divide it and post it in several parts.
Some of the examples which I need to mention for this lengthy explanation are not directly related to the topic of this thread. But the overall topic of this posting surely is related to the land of Palestine. So I hope that the moderators of this forum can tolerate it.
If you are not interested in historic/religious context, or the reading of a lengthy article, you can skip this posting and continue with the daily chasing of news items and the prognosticating of what the consequences of current events might be; and how they will effect markets of course.
But if you are interested then bear with me for a journey back and forth in history.
It took me many hours to prepare, write and proof-read this article for you. Be it known to you that I do not represent or pursue a political intention, nor do I try to engage in an exercise of self-importance. It is for the love of the Truth that I took the time and made the effort to write this lengthy article and post it for you on this public forum. I will not include any personal Internet-URL with this posting, lest it be said that I try to promote myself. But my name is genuine, only that I choose to use the English version of my Armenian name Gevorg here on this english-speaking forum. And no, I am not Kevork Almassian whose discussion with Pepe Escobar is currently being promoted in some media outlets.
So let's begin, for whoever is interested...
Recently Nicaragua was introduced to the media landscape of news articles, citing its intention to bring a case against Germany before the so called International Court of Justice (ICJ) in order to blame Germany for the crimes and human rights violations that are currently being committed by anti-Christ Israel in Gaza and Palestine.
Since the buzzword Genocide is being used so often these days in the media I would like to explain a thing or two about it.
The term Genocide has its inception based on the Armenian genocide that happened more than one hundred years ago. It was coined by a man named Raphael Lemkin.
You can watch these two examples of video clips on YouTube if you want to hear him explain it:
- The Genocide Word by Raphael Lemkin
duration: 1:13
direct download (in case you encounter restrictions on YouTube) - Raphael Lemkin about the origin of the word genocide
duration: 3:29
direct download (in case you encounter restrictions on YouTube)
The concept of genocide is not new; you can read about such punishment in the books of the Old Testament. But the term Genocide did not exist before the lawyer Raphael Lemkin coined it based on the Armenian genocide. He was trying to describe a crime with no name
, to be used for international court proceedings anywhere where the international community deemed it necessary to involve itself into other people's affairs.
No Armenian ever benefited from the lawyer Raphael Lemkin
after he used the Armenian genocide
to coin the term Genocide
for the international community.
If lawyers do not have a crime they can not involve themselves in other people's affairs. But in order to bring other people in front of their babylonian court-system, to achieve a desired result through their babylonian deal-making, they need to have a crime that was committed. At least this was traditionally so before these days of abject lawlessness where their various agencies go on so called fishing expeditions to eventually find something on someone which they can use for the purpose of accusation, and if not, then to just make up something.
If you want to read about the recent involvement of Nicaragua to prosecute the crime of genocide against the people of Gaza, you can read these two examples of news articles:
- Hamas hails Nicaragua's genocide-facilitation case against Germany
Al Mayadeen English website - published on April 9th 2024 (screenshot) - Nicaragua to set out case against Germany in ICJ today for Gaza
Al Mayadeen English website - published on April 8th 2024 (screenshot)
You may be a person who asks himself: What in the world has Nicaragua to do with Germany or Gaza?
...to which I would reply: Nothing
It is an attempt to use Nicaragua, as a member of the international babylonian body, for the purpose of a babylonian deal-making. And I intend to explain to you, with past examples, how this kind of babylonian deal-making is done; how it involves secret agreements amongst the Babylonians, the usage of deceptive words and terms and the propaganda narratives for the consumption of the public.
If you become aware of what they do and how they do it, it is so much more difficult for them to do it; and this is because of the power of the Truth.
In order to explain to you their methods I need to give you some information about:
- Germany's role as a scapegoat nation to be used religiously as a sacrificial offering for the sins that the Babylonians commit.
- Why and from whom the Babylonians have this religious practice of using others as scapegoats for their sins.
To answer the second point first: They do it because they are utterly addicted to sinning, and they learned the practice of blood-sacrifice from God.
Now you may not be a religious person and have no regard for such topics. But just because you choose to not believe in God does not mean that you will be spared by the enemies of God. When and if it becomes your turn to be sacrificed for their sin, they could not care less about what you believe, except when you have Christ with you; the latter draws their attention very quickly.
Knowing your enemy
is a credo from the book The Art of War, attributed to Sun-tzu, and many people adhere to it. Whether you belong to this group of people or not like me you may be inclined to know what this babylonian enemy believes; because based on what they believe so they act.
Religious customs
To quote and commemorate the American Baptist pastor
Conrad Owen Jarrell:
When Egypt was young, Babylon was already old.
Throughout history people and nations have used ritualistic sacrifice for various purposes.
Idolatrous people make sacrifice to whatever god or idol they believe in for a selfish hope and belief of attaining favors and fortunes for themselves. But the Hebrew people of the Old Testament, with whom God made a covenant through Abraham, were instructed to make sacrifice for the atonement of their sins and for it to be some kind of a backstop to prevent the people from committing sin.
The practice of blood-sacrifice was given by God for two reasons:
- This practice was according to the carnal understanding of that time. People had not yet received the spiritual understanding which God gave men through the Holy Ghost after the New Testament was established through Jesus Christ. Only few people back then, for example the prophets, had the understanding according to the Spirit of God.
- Sin (debt) must be repaid somehow, otherwise it would not be wrong to commit sin, and there would be no difference between Good and Evil; something which wickedness (Zechariah 5:5-11) is desperately trying to achieve by eradicating out of the conscience of people the ability to differentiate between Good and Evil.
You will read about wickedness later on in this lengthy article.
Since sinning is a spiritual concern to not use the word matter in this context you can not just pay it off with money which is material; and in case of virtual money not even that. For sin someone's life, namely the sinner's life, is required in the spiritual context.
Relevant quotes concerning blood and life from the Bible:
But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat.
... and:
For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.
... and:
For it is the life of all flesh; the blood of it is for the life thereof: therefore I said unto the children of Israel, Ye shall eat the blood of no manner of flesh: for the life of all flesh is the blood thereof: whosoever eateth it shall be cut off.
... and:
Only be sure that thou eat not the blood: for the blood is the life; and thou mayest not eat the life with the flesh.
Remember this when you are next time confronted with arguments like: How can God allow all this evil to happen?
, after people find out about the massive scale of child trafficking for the purpose of sexual abuse or to be used as a food source so that ugly people, by eating or drinking their blood, can make themselves appear rejuvenated and desirable. Such practice has in no wise the approval of God. But when people abandon God, they degenerate themselves to the level of such barbaric savagery.
And if now someone wants to throw in: Then why did Jesus say that people should eat his flesh and drink his blood?
as if God would promote cannibalism then be it known to you that what He explained in that chapter was meant in the spiritual context and not the carnal context (John, chapter 6, verses 53 to 56).
In that same chapter 6, a couple of verses later, He clarifies in verse 63 by saying:
The Words of Eternal Life
It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.
Eating the flesh of Christ who is the Word of God means in the spiritual context to read it, or hear it, and understand it, and accept it, and keep it and let it become a spiritual part of you. In the carnal context you eat food and it becomes a part of your body; likewise His words are meant to become a spiritual part of you,
if you can accept it.
But they who do not have the understanding according to the Spirit of God, or they who knowingly wage war against it, interpret such statements according to the carnal understanding, and some start promoting the idea that God supposedly condones cannibalism. The Catholic Church, which is the mother of all heresy that shows itself as if Christian, has even coined a term for this idolatrous belief which they call Transubstantiation. Here is the Wikipedia link for you if you want to look it up: Transubstantiation - Wikipedia (info) (screenshot)
And when they in the past prevented the lay people from reading the Scripture for themselves even by the threat of imprisonment and torture they knowingly made themselves an obstacle to prevent the people from eating the Word of God in the spiritual context, and instead having to depend on them to receive bread and wine in the carnal context.
So the blood contains the life of flesh, and God does not condone cannibalism. That's the very reason why God designated animals to be sacrificed for such purposes, except for the one time when He sent His only begotten Son to be sacrificed for the purpose of fulling His promise which He gave to Adam and Eve, and to fulfill the prophets and the Law of the Old Testament. God never obliged men to do human-sacrifice, for it would have contradicted His intention of saving man. Instead, when the time had come, He sacrificed Himself as the only begotten Son to fulfill the promise which He gave to man:
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
Sin requires the penalty of death:
For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
So, because of the promise which God gave to Adam and Eve, to redeem man at some point in time from his sinful state, God gave His Law by Moses and the practice of blood-sacrifice was institutionalized; until the time when Messiah would come. Messiah would be the redemption which God promised to Adam and Eve, and subsequently to all mankind who after the transgression in the Garden of Eden were born in the sinful state of their original parents, and not holy as God originally had created them.
So this redeemer came, He being Jesus Christ, and He fulfilled all the Law that God had required. In so doing the institution of blood-sacrifice became obsolete, it is no longer required by God. He has established Christ as a mediator for all who seek to have forgiveness of their sins. But this forgiveness can only be obtained by submitting oneself to Him, not through opposition against Him.
They who refuse this offer remain in their sin.
To be continued with part 2 of this very lengthy article...
Part 2 of the very lengthy article, and here the link to part 1 of it.
After the Jews killed the Messiah they reverted to babylonian customs and traditions, or maybe it was mama Babylon who incorporated the abandoned Jews into her system. One way or the other, they became Babylonians, and they mixed in the rites and ceremonies which they had learned from God and had practiced for more than thousand years during the time of the Old Testament.
And they perverted themselves so much, that doing sacrifice was no longer seen as a means to have a backstop against committing sin, but instead they embraced the babylonian wishful belief that the more sacrificial scapegoats they had, the more sin they would be able to commit.
It is a perversion of God's Law which they use for their own selfish interests, and it is this belief which motivates them to live a sinful lifestyle, for as long as they can keep the stream of scapegoats flowing. The Ukrainians are currently having an experience, and not for the first time, of how it feels like to be candidates for such a flowing stream of scapegoats being directed to the ravaged front-lines of the once beautiful countryside of that land.
As long as the Babylonians can use others to blame them for their sins,
they see no reason why to stop sinning, no matter how many millions die.
Based on what they believe so they act.
Whether it be their Federal Reserve System managing the global Ponzi scheme based on the counterfeit currency called the US Dollar (Federal Reserve Notes) which, instead of using a D as its symbol uses the S with a double-line which symbolizes a serpent coiling around a tree, which serves as a symbol for deception, in reference to how the serpent deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden or whether it be so many other enterprises that they are involved in, which make use of corruption, lie and deceit, murder and theft:
Based on what they believe so they act.
They give themselves a carte blanche to do whatever pleases them.
Furthermore, the Babylonians believe that if they show their intent beforehand, be it through symbols, or publications, or Hollywood movies, or song lyrics, or any other means of communicating, that they absolve themselves from the responsibility of the consequences which their intentions bring about. Using comedy to disguise evil has been a widely used practice for many years. So, if the people don't get it what they communicate it's allegedly the people's fault, because of the people supposedly being too stupid to compete with them at their higher level of communicating. They regard lie and deceit not as something morally reprehensible, but as a sign of intelligence, useful in the pursuit of their selfish goals. They call the agencies which they employ Intelligence Agencies and the participants of this forum will know too well in what kind of activities such agencies have been involved throughout so many years.
The Babylonians try to mimic God. Their intention is to rule over others as if gods, therefore they mimic Him who is the true God, but they deny that He even exists. They are an idolatrous people, even from the very beginning when they started building the tower of Babel in the land of Shinar. But many modern people seem to not understand why they make such great effort for their idolatry. The purpose of their idolatry is to make a mirror-image of something that is real, and to try to replace that which is real with their mirror-image, which they control. They try to negate that which is real with their mirror-image, or lets say with their anti-image as in the term anti-Christ.
For example the Babylonian's attempt to negate true Israel which are the people of God with their Zionist project of anti-Christ Israel in Palestine, which is the Holy Land of the Old Testament events. They call this babylonian project Erez Israel.
The Babylonians used World War I to get the title of that land, used World War II to forcibly move their Jews to that land, continued expanding their borders during the 70+ years of the Palestinian genocide which is called the Nakbah and have used the so called War on terror after carrying out the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center towers in New York City in 2001 to finally establish the borders of Erez Israel as what they deem it necessary to be for the purpose of producing a mirror-image of the kingdom of God in order to negate it. They have done so by weakening, taking out, or buying up the neighboring countries and people of that region, using your [the American] military and economic power, while they ruin your land simultaneously, so that if you happen to become aware about their schemes too early, that you find yourself in a rump-leftover of your country, being too weak to muster any meaningful opposition against them while they prepare their escape to the next location of their establishment.
You have learned that Erez Israel means Greater Israel. Well, so it may be. But I would like to bring to your attention that if Erez means Great, then it is a homonym in the Hebrew language.
A homonym is a word with different meanings but with the same spelling. And there are many homonyms, be it in Armenian my native language be it in German, or be it in English. Wherever the Babylonians succeed in establishing themselves in a society, they start the process of taking over that place and change the meaning of words and terms and historic events, to suit their own purposes.
You can check the homonym Erez by getting yourself the text of the King James Bible and the Strong's Hebrew and Greek Dictionary. Then look up Genesis 1:10 :
And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.
That English word Earth is Erets in the old Hebrew language. It is word number H776 in Strong's Hebrew and Greek Dictionary.
So basically the Babylonians have tried to lay claim on this planet, which God created, through their Zionist project, using some khazarian tribes, the descendants of Ashkenaz who was the brother of Torgom, the father of Hayk whom they incorporated into their babylonian Judaism in the 8th century a.D. And the intent of this incarnation of their attempt to rule over this world is in no wise any different than the intent of their attempt at the very beginning when they started out to build the tower of Babel in the land of Shinar; about which I would like to mention a thing or two, if I ever manage to finish writing this lengthy article, which I was inspired to do.
The Babylonians have used doctrines which they call Science, like Darwinism, the Big Bang Theory and many other concepts to deny the existence of God, who has described Himself in the Book of Genesis through Moses. But when it came to the stealing of the title of the land of Palestine, they claimed that the title belongs to them because God, whose existence they deny with their godless doctrines, gave it to Abraham, and they refer for this purpose to the very same Book of Genesis where God made His covenant with Abraham. And furthermore they pressure other nations to accept Erets Israel's right to exist
This is how twisted, crooked, duplicit, two-faced, perverse, hypocritical, deranged, insane, and psychopathic, and sociopathic, and utterly detached reprobates from reality people can become, regardless of which ethnic background they have, after having spent an extended period of time under the influence of godless wickedness; wickedness which God has described for us in the book of the prophet Zechariah, chapter 5, verses 5 to 11:
A Vision of a Woman in a Basket
Then the angel that talked with me went forth, and said unto me, Lift up now thine eyes, and see what is this that goeth forth.
And I said, What is it? And he said, This is an ephah that goeth forth. He said moreover, This is their resemblance through all the earth.
[The Armenian translation says: This is their eyes through all the earth.
It is word number H5869 in Strong's Hebrew and Greek Dictionary]And, behold, there was lifted up a talent of lead: and this is a woman that sitteth in the midst of the ephah.
And he said, This is wickedness. And he cast it into the midst of the ephah; and he cast the weight of lead upon the mouth thereof.
Then lifted I up mine eyes, and looked, and, behold, there came out two women, and the wind was in their wings; for they had wings like the wings of a stork: and they lifted up the ephah between the earth and the heaven.
Then said I to the angel that talked with me, Whither do these bear the ephah?
And he said unto me, To build it an house in the land of Shinar: and it shall be established, and set there upon her own base.
An ephah is an object of worship.
Wickedness, as mentioned above, is old and very old. For a clearer understanding I choose to refer to these women with wings as the sisterhood of the serpent, and their fingerprints are all over the place here in my ancient fatherland of Armenia, which in the Armenian language is called Hayk. The members of this sisterhood manage many figures who are shown as the supposedly independent rulers of this or that nation, when in fact those figures are in psychological bondage to them.
The land of Shinar is not in the area of today's Baghdad in Iraq, as some may believe. It is the area between the southern border of today's Turkey and northern Syria. It was hit by a great earthquake on February 6th 2023 that rattled half of entire Turkey, leveled large portions in their cities and surrounding areas; without any noticeable shaking of the ground in this part of the region which borders that land. The earthquake also caused damage in Syria.
Superstitious locals quickly started spreading rumors that the Americans did this
; because admitting divine intervention outside of their presumed influence is just too scary a thought for these cowardice idolaters who start lying as soon as they open their mouth to speak.
Hayk is the patriarch of the Armenian people. He slew the tyrant Nimrod, the Baal (emperor) of his time who ruled over the city of Babel in the land of Shinar. Hayk did so in battle with an almost impossible arrow-shot and against all odds while being outnumbered. The star-sign of Orion is the star-sign of Hayk. Until this day the Armenian translations of the Bible preserve the name Hayk wherever Orion is mentioned in Scripture. The illustration of this star-sign should not depict a warrior holding a shield, but a hunter in the process of shooting an arrow. It commemorates Hayk's victorious arrow-shot against all odds.
The star-signs of the Zodiac and the names of the stars have prophetic meaning. They were given to man to tell and commemorate the story that would take place on this earth, and the previously mentioned American Baptist pastor recorded in the past an excellent study about this topic; only that he knew little about Hayk and the Armenians.
--== Start: ADDED SECTION (1) - added on April 20th 2024 ==--

which symbolizes the slain tyrant Bel (Nimrod) bound on his belt.
The arrow-shot of Hayk more than 4000 years ago pierced through the iron breastplate of Nimrod and the arrow-head exited at the back of the tyrant Nimrod, killing him thereby. It was an almost impossible arrow-shot.

by painter Giuliano Zasso (or Juliano Zasso)
And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth.
Nimrod was the son of Cush, who was the son of Ham, who was the son of Noah. Ham was the son whom Noah cursed after he had seen the nakedness of his father:
And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without.
And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father's nakedness.
And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him.
And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.
I tend to believe that it was the descendants of Nimrod or whatever entity that occupied Nimrod who, be it out of jealousy or revenge, or probably both, caused to change the illustration of the star-sign of Hayk from depicting a hunter in the process of shooting an arrow to depicting a warrior kneeling on one knee while holding a shield with a lion's head and wielding a club.
If you want to have a hint from the Bible who that entity might be if it occupied Nimrod as I believe just look at Revelation 12:9
And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
The change to this false symbolic illustration if you want to believe in symbology proved ineffective during the days of April 13th and 14th 2024 when the descendants of Achaemenid Persians (Hakhamaneshian in Persian) a royal bloodline related to Hayk shot their arrows as missiles and successfully pierced through the iron-dome of anti-Christ Israel, and the remaining arrow-heads hit targets on the ground, while the Iranians were outnumbered and the Palestinians were fighting their tyrant against all odds, and while the defenses of the coalition of anti-Christ Israel were as effect as
a warrior holding a club in his hand while kneeling on one of his knees.
The trace of the perpetrators for changing the illustration of Hayk's star-sign seems to point to Britain. Some may have desired to acquire the lineage of Hayk for themselves, or to destroy it in order to establish their's instead. This is an opinion of mine, I can not name names in detail at this time; and neither is this the time to research the details of this episode.
Armenians know about their history from the most-famous Armenian historian Movses Khorenatsi (or some say: Movses of Khoren, Moses of Khoren, Moses of Choren, or Moses Chorenensis in Latin, and Մովսէս Խորենացի in Armenian) who lived in the 5th century a.D. During his lifetime, he and other students with him, traveled to the city of Alexandria in Egypt to study the language of Greek. They needed this for the translation of the New Testament to the Armenian language. They were the students of the also most-famous theologian Mesrop Mashtots (Մեսրոպ Մաշտոց in Armenian), who by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost received from God the Armenian alphabet, which is in use until today, and which originally has 36 letters, not today's 39.

(archive.org | PDF)

In his late years Movses Khorenatsi wrote the History of the Armenians. In so doing he earned his title The Father of the History of the Armenians. In order to do this he had previously traveled to relevant places, like for example the libraries of the ancient city Nineveh, the ruins of which are in close proximity to the city of Mosul in today's Iraq. He had found out through his research that the Armenians were the descendants of Hayk, who in turn was the son of Torgom, one of the sons of Gomer, one of the sons of Japheth, one of the three sons of Noah. Torgom's name is recoded in the English translation of the Bible as Togarmah
, which you can find in the following places: Genesis 10:3, 1 Chronicles 1:6, Ezekiel 27:14, Ezekiel 38:6.
Whoever changed the name for the English translation of the Bible from Torgom to Togarmah
must have had great hatred for the descendant of Torgom. Because in the Armenian language this translation literally means may come death
, as if someone wanted to curse Torgom and his descendants to be destroyed. If you wanted to say in the Armenian language may come death
you would say: թող կար մահ
, the English transliteration would be: togh gar mah
. It is an exact match, not even a variance there, it is those three words put together to form one word. So whenever Armenians would pronounce the name of their ancestor in the English language, they would be transliterally cursing themselves to death in the Armenian language. An english mirror-image to hide the curse.
Who is so wicked on that island to conceive hiding a curse as if the Word of God?
--== ==--
Added on May 8th 2024:
To clarify this issue further I should add that the English seem to have taken it from the Hebrew translation. Tôgarmâh is word H8425 in Strong's Hebrew and Greek Dictionary. So this feud seems to be much older than the a.D. 1611 translation of the King James Bible.
Added on December 5th 2024:
There are various manipulations to the English translation of the King James Bible, some are unintentional errors, others are deliberate falsifications. And as I mentioned later in the armenian version of my article, in the section The 42 months of the dragon which I published on May 25th 2024 and added English translation for it later on during the procedures of the translation work and the publishing they caused the King James Bible to end up having 66 books in total; 39 books of the Old Testament and 27 books of the New Testament. In order to knowingly and willfully achieve this desired result they...
- merged or divided books of the Bible,
- they left out or added books, like the 15 books which are called Apocrypha,
- then they published the King James Bible with the 15 apocryphal books, resulting in a total of 81 books,
- afterwards the argument was raised that the apocryphal books don't belong into the Bible,
- so they removed the 15 apocryphal books from their Bible,
- and with this underhanded trick they achieved their desired result of producing a Bible with 66 books.
Thus the book of Revelation became the 66th book of the King James Bible, for the purpose of cursing the prophecy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The devil thinks his way backwards to his desired result if you want to call that thinking that is.
--== ==--
There were two periods when Europeans took measures to denounce the credibility of the Armenian historian Movses Khorenatsi:
One European campaign to denounce him started in the 19th century which gained more and more momentum towards the end of the 19th century. This coincided with the marauding and pillaging of kurdish, or rather chaldean, gangs and groupings against the Armenians who lived in their ancient fatherland; those marauders being the equivalent of CIA's current stooges in Syria. These incursions that happened towards the end of the 19th century, which were spread out over a decade or so, were a precursor to the Armenian genocide which was initiated in 1915.
The second time when the Europeans started a campaign to denounce Movses Khorenatsi happened about one hundred years later in the 1990s. This again coincided with the persecution and pogroms against the Armenians, which in this case were being carried out by the Azeris of the land which is today called Azerbaijan. The name Azerbaijan became necessary because the British oil interests in the Caspian See could no longer use these henchmen under their own name, which was Tartars, which is not even a real name. The Tartars had committed so many atrocities and genocides in the surrounding areas of that region, that their very name had become a cuss-word in the region, like for example Barbarian. So they chose the name of the northern Iranian province called Azerbaijan to give the land of the Tartars a new name. In our current time you will find Tartars under their own name on the contested Crimean peninsula.
Here are some of the many names of European persons who were involved in the various campaigns to denounce Movses Khorenatsi:
Philologists (historians):
Baumgartner, Gelzer (or maybe Gelcer), Gutschmidt (or maybe Gutschmitt), Dyulorie (seems to be French), la Kroz (or maybe la Croz, seems to be French), Langlua (seems to be French), Karier (seems to be French), Kipert (or maybe Gibert), Koniber (or maybe Goniber), Makler, Mar, Makvart (or maybe Magwart),
and furthermore:
Nikar, Peterman, Bishar, Sen-Marten (or maybe Sen-Martin, maybe he was a senator), Feder, Floreal, Frere.
The denouncers of Movses Khorenatsi coined the term Pseudo-Moses for him.
They tried various methods to discredit the account of Movses Khorenatsi, for example changing when he may have lived, to make it sound implausible that he could have been the author of the History of the Armenians. They tried to put in doubt his sources, his authenticity or his veracity (Wahrhaftigkeit in German), and they put in doubt that he was the student of Mesrop Mashtots during the time of the Patriarch not Catholicos but Patriarch Sahak Partev of the Armenian Apostolic Church.

The painting is from Stepanos Nersisyan, dated to sometime before the death of the painter in 1884.
The Armenian Apostolic Church was established in the year a.D. 301 through Grigor Lusavorich, by the decree of king Trdat III:

(archive.org | PDF)
Grigor Lusavorich is also called Gregory the Illuminator or Gregory the Enlightener, or Գրիգոր Լուսաւորիչ in Armenian. Trdat is also called Dertad, or Tiridates in Latin, or Տրդատ in Armenian.
Ever since this first Christian kingdom on this earth was established by the decree of the Armenian king Trdat III, it's enemies started to pile up during the course of the following centuries and even a thousand years.
There is much history that could be added here, but let this suffice.
Your Hollywood makes movies (images) about stories which our ancestors have lived. And then they deny that they even existed. Can you now see how they try to replace that which is real with an image that is not real?
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The setting up of a babylonian idol - an American episode
One of the homonyms in your English language is the word Justice.
There is a place in your land which is called the Supreme Court, and although the people who occupy that place do judge, they refuse to call themselves Judge. Instead they insist on being called Justice.
This is a babylonian practice of making an idol of justice, to make a mirror-image of what is real justice.
Every child can tell you the difference between just and unjust by saying for example that: Something is not fair
. People have an innate understanding, based on common sense, about what justice is.
But what is common sense good for when the Babylonians pursue their goals of selfish interest? Therefore they chose to make an idol of justice in your land to negate that which is real justice, and to replace it with whatever they wish that justice should be.
For example: When this Supreme Court decided back in 1973 with its ruling in the case Roe vs Wade (info) which was not the real name of the parties involved that murdering millions of children through abortion is permitted, then according to the babylonian idolatrous belief that was just because Justice said so.
So they used in this American episode their idol of justice to legitimize in your land their practice of blood-sacrifice, using the guise of medical health-treatment.
You may now better understand why those babylonian Justices in Washington D.C. make so many decisions which the traditional people of your land can not identify as anything related to what the common sense understanding of justice is.
You may know the term Legalese which the Oxford English Dictionary defines as:
The formal and technical language of legal documents.
The concept of Legalese makes use of homonyms, and it is in no wise a coincidence that the spelling of the word legalese is in such close proximity to the spelling of the word legalize.
That's how these Babylonians think. And they believe that they are justified in what they do simply because they are smarter than the others. No compulsion on their part to choose Good instead of Evil, but rather they choose whichever one serves best their selfish interest in a given situation.
To be continued with part 3 of this very lengthy article...
Part 3 of the very lengthy article, and here the links to part 1 and part 2 of it.
The setting up and exploitation of scapegoats - a German episode
After Judea declared worldwide war and boycott on Germany on May 10th in 1933, and after they had defeated Germany in 1945 with a coalition of allies that supported the Zionist cause, they brought Germany down to a situation of unconditional capitulation where it was possible for them to force a religious covenant on them.
God made a covenant with Abraham; so they who mimic God choose to act the same way since they see themselves to be god. But the difference is that God made His covenant with Abraham to benefit Abraham. When the Babylonians force their covenant unto others, they do not intend to benefit the others, instead they desire to exploit them until they are destroyed.
The homonym in the German language with which the Babylonians forced the Germans into their covenant-captivity is the word Bund.
The word Bund can mean two different things in the German language:
- It can mean Federal
- And it can mean Covenant
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The word Bund in German can even have more meanings:- It can mean Union, like for example between states
- It can mean Union, in the sense of marriage between a man and a woman
- It can mean Binding, in the sense of binding various things together.
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For example the English term Arc of the covenant translates to Bundeslade in German.
The Babylonians use meaning 2 as a religious justification whenever they present the Germans in front of an international babylonian court to blame them for all the evil that they themselves are guilty of doing. And they have used meaning 1 for public consumption to trick the people of that land and of this world into believing that Germany is a sovereign country.
This scheme works only if the Babylonians are able to bring their scapegoat in front of their babylonian courts where babylonian law, which is called Colourable Law, is applied. No other independent court would accept their scapegoats for the purpose of a babylonian deal-making. But you can make your own guess how many independent international courts are left in this world if any which have not been incorporated into the babylonian system.
Now if you want to spend time to look up how many words in German, which are related to government, have the prefix Bund included, you can spend quite a while with it, because there are many. But I think a few examples will suffice to make this point clear in this already lengthy article.
Some examples:
Bundesadler, which means the eagle of the covenant, which is the symbol that the German government uses for itself,
Bundesbank, which means the bank of the covenant,
Bundesbürger, which means the citizen of the covenant, literally the debtor of the covenant,
Bundesgerichtshof, which is the name of the highest court in Germany,
Bundeskanzler, which means the chancellor of the covenant, currently Olaf Sholz,
Bundesregierung, which means the government of the covenant,
and finally...
Bundesrepublik, which means the republic of the covenant, the official title of the land of Germany established in 1949 after their defeat in World War II, and after the detrimental babylonian court proceedings in Nuremberg (Nürnberg in German) for which Raphael Lemkin conveniently had coined the term Genocide so that lawyers could use it in international babylonian court proceedings to convict others of having committed a crime.
To show you how ruthless and merciless the Babylonians are I would like to bring this one example to your attention. There was an article published in german media which I did not find for this writing, so I will link to a different article which deals with the same topic:
Der Erste Weltkrieg geht diesen Sonntag zu Ende
derwesten.de - published on September 28th 2010 (screenshot)
The title translates into English as: The first world war will end on this Sunday
This article was published in September of 2010. That's how long it took for the subjugated people of Germany to pay off the debt, which the Babylonian's had burdened them with, in order to fulfill their religious obligation as the citizens (or debtors) of the covenant towards the idolatrous Babylonians.
Most of Germany is by now an atheistic country, paying no attention to what God is saying. But this did not stop the Babylonians from enforcing their religious covenant during all these years. So atheism is not a protection against them, quite the contrary; they need atheism to establish themselves as gods over others.
The article about when World War II is finally going to end for the German people has not been written yet. It remains a question if by the time the end of World War II is reached whether there will be any Germans left to celebrate the event, seeing how the current liberal covenant government of Germany is engaged in all manner of activity to wage warfare against the people of the land, and to force this advanced civilization with its culture back to a state of the middle ages, ripe with superstitious beliefs and practices, idolatry, witchcraft, depleted physical health of many, and a degenerated intellect of the population; except for the allowance of the population to have modern electronic devices for the purpose of surveillance and the dissemination of cultural and political propaganda.
It is not that the Babylonians are so powerful to do such things, but rather it is because people through godless culture are led away from God, which is a necessity for the Babylonians in order to establish themselves in a society for the purpose of exploiting and at the end destroying it.
Some may recall that when the agreements between the Pizer company and various governments around the world, including Germany's government, were exposed to the public, the wording which the Babylonians used in those documents for the purpose of binding these governments to the carrying out of the worldwide COVID genocide was not Contract as you would usually expect to find, but it was the word Covenant instead. They obligated those governments with a religious binding to carry out their part of these mass killings, regardless of how many facts and information were revealed in the public about the harmfulness of the substances used which people were being forced to be injected with. They absolved themselves with a religious covenant from any liability related to the consequences of their intentions. And only babylonian courts will confirm the alleged legitimacy of such religious covenants. Therefore they will never want to be tried in front of a court that is not under their own control.
But God stopped caring about what these wicked people think and imagine a long time ago, and instead set up a judge that will bring justice to these wicked people.
And He used for this purpose His very own Word,
the Word of God.
When you become aware of the religious aspect of such matters then you can better understand why facts and logic do not achieve the expected results when you try to chase them in their rigged game. But with Jesus Christ, who is the judge which God set up to judge this world, you are outside of their rigged game and the resulting consequences do not play out for them as they wish they would.
The art of babylonian deal-making - an Armenian episode
Many will know that the Armenian genocide happened more than one hundred years ago. Let me show you with this example how the Babylonians facilitated their deal-making in this episode, using a charade of lie and deceit. The Muslim people who with great heartache and lamentation are following the horrible events in Gaza and Palestine overall, should be interested in learning a lesson on how matters related to the crime of genocide are handled by the Babylonians in international court proceedings. And this is being given to you by an Armenian, of the very people who have experienced such circumstances before you.
2015 was the centennial year (the hundredth anniversary) of the Armenian genocide. A couple of months before April, when the commemoration of the event would take place, Amal Clooney the wife of George Clooney was all of a sudden introduced in the armenian media as a a world-famous lawyer
who defends human rights
, to supposedly represent the interests of the Armenian people. A cheap media campaign was made for this purpose and her name was all over the place, and she met the Armenian president of that time, and was a guest of honor at some gala event during those months, and so on.
To be continued with part 4 of this very lengthy article...
Part 4 of the very lengthy article, and here are the links to part 1, part 2 and part 3 of it.
Next thing you know you find this woman involving herself into a case between a turkish man by the name of Dogu Perincek and the Swiss government; not between the turkish man and the Armenian government, but between him and the Swiss government. He had posted some comment somewhere in his own native language denying the Armenian genocide, and the Swiss government had sentenced him to some measure of punishment. He then had applied to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) to defend his right to free speech and to express what he believes. Most Armenians were either not aware of his comment in the turkish language, or they just did not care what the opinion of this turkish man was. There was certainly no uprising in Yerevan because of his opinion that he had expressed. It's not that the Armenians need the permission of the Turks to know what they did to their ancestors more than one hundred years ago, and also later on continually. If that turkish man wants to have such an opinion, so be it.
But what good is that for the selfish interests of the Babylonians?
So an international legal team comprising Amal Clooney and Geoffrey Robertson a British-Australian attorney and academic appeared on the media stage without having been asked by the Armenians to involve themselves in any armenian matter, and they claimed to represent Armenia. They involved themselves in the case between the turkish man and the Swiss government as a third party, supposedly representing Armenia's interests at this international babylonian court called the European Court of Human Rights.
Here are some articles about this if it interests you:
- European Court Opens Hearings On Armenian Genocide Case
azatutyun.am - published in January 2015 - (screenshot) - Robertson, Clooney: ECHR Judgement Corrects Grave Error, Victory for Armenia
civilnet.am - published in October 2015 (screenshot) - Amal Clooney: Armenia Achieved in Perincek vs. Switzerland Case
anca.org - published in April 2016 (screenshot)
They claimed the result of these proceedings was a victory
for Armenia. But what had they done for the Armenians that was so victorious
? the very same Armenians who could not care less about what the opinion of this turkish man was or is.
The secret about this case was not told to the public, but the wording of their statements revealed it. They used this case as a piggyback to conduct a babylonian deal-making process in which Armenia would supposedly wave any claim of reparations against the perpetrators responsible for the Armenian genocide. And they saw the need, or the opportunity, to make this effort before the centennial of the genocide was completed.
In the third article from the list above Amal Clooney is quoted as having said:
She reminded that Armenia’s demands were in no way related to whether or not Perincek would incur criminal penalties. “Our objections of Armenia were related to the wording used in the case, implying the denial of genocide,” she said.
They got themselves in front of a babylonian court as supposed representatives of Armenia, using the case between the turkish man and the Swiss government as a guise to place a statement into those court proceedings about Armenia having no demand
for criminal penalties
related to the Armenian genocide. They said themselves that they did not involve themselves on behalf of Armenia in that case to argue for a punishment of that turkish man, whose comment about denying the Armenian genocide did not bother the Armenians anyway.
However, these lawyers would not have been able to supposedly wave Armenia's demand for criminal penalties, had it not been for Raphael Lemkin, whom I mentioned earlier, who based on the Armenian genocide coined the very term Genocide, so that such lawyers could use it to involve themselves into other people's affairs, whenever the international babylonian community sees the need to do so.
This was a charade between:
- A turkish political figure related to the government of Turkey, he being the chairman of the political party called The Turkish Workers Party,
- the supposed and oh-so neutral Swiss government as arbitrator,
- and a Hollywood whore with her British entourage, who were never asked to represent any interest of the Armenians, in any court proceedings.
And this charade was conducted in front of a babylonian court called the European Court of Human Rights.
Furthermore, the sisterhood of the serpent had sent over another of their emissaries, she being Kim Kardashian, to have an opportunity to pose for a photo-shooting at the Armenian genocide memorial monument, clothed in a red dress, symbolizing the blood which the Babylonians had spilt. The photos in the following Daily Mail Online article only show some pictures of her that were taken during daytime. But her private photo-shooting session in red at that memorial took place when it was already dark and no people around her:
Kim Kardashian lays flowers at Armenian memorial
Daily Mail Online - published on April 10th 2015 - (screenshot)
It is against the instructions in the New Testament to go to law before the unbelievers
, Christians are not supposed to do it:
I speak to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you? no, not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren? But brother goeth to law with brother, and that before the unbelievers.
So let me therefore tell you that: No Hollywood whore, nor a British entourage, nor the supposedly neutral Swiss government represent the interest of Armenia; let alone their current EU-stooges in Yerevan, who not only live a lifetime through and by corruption, but also pass on their conduct like a hereditary title unto their next generation in line. All that these Babylonians ever are interested in is the pursuit of their own selfish interests at the cost of others; and such interests are not the interest of Armenia.
When they speak about Representation they do not mean that they intend to defend and uphold what is in your best interest. What they mean is that they want to decide instead of you, in order to achieve an outcome which serves their selfish interest; whatever that interest might be in a given situation.
And I do not believe that Amal Clooney is above Geoffrey Robertson when it comes to standing in their hierarchy. It's more likely that she was just a front for him. But when the sisterhood of the serpent digs itself into the psyche of a person as they regularly attempt to do then even high standing figures can be brought down beneath them.
I do not worry about any reparation claims related to the Armenian genocide, because I know this:
Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
And furthermore:
For we know him that hath said, Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord. And again, The Lord shall judge his people.
When I became aware of this underhanded babylonian trick, I was reminded of the Hollywood movie Sleepers from 1996, staring Robert De Niro and a couple of other celebrities.
It's a movie script based apparently on some true events where the side of the prosecution collides with the attorney of the defendants to use an ongoing criminal case in order to bring to light a completely different crime which happened many years before the current events of the movie.
Here is the IMDB link of the movie, and here is the link to the plot of the movie on Wikipedia (info), if you want to refresh your memory.
In the movie it is shown to be a just cause which makes them act in that way, and this generates sympathy for such an underhanded tactic. But when this Hollywood crowd starts to enact their movie scripts on real-world events and involves themselves in other people's affairs, then it is not for the pursuit of justice, as depicted in such movies. It is for the pursuit of how much profit they can make from the affairs of other people.
To be continued with part 5 of this very lengthy article...
Part 5, the last part of the very lengthy article. And here are the links to part 1, part 2, part 3 and part 4 of it.
So be ye warned you Muslim people if you think you can find just arbitration in the courts of the Babylonians who have supported the Zionist project for as long as it exists. The only thing that happens in such cases at these courts is how to negotiate the blood-money that needs to be paid in order for the perpetrators of genocide to supposedly cleanse themselves from their sin and give themselves absolution. And for this purpose your Al Mayadeen English website is very graciously helping them by constantly updating as good as they possibly can how high the current kill-count in Gaza is.
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It always depends on which purpose the kill-count needs to be used for, be it for the purpose of accusing someone, or be it for the purpose of determining how much hush-money the people involved can demand.
--== End: ADDED SECTION (3) ==--
The lower the amount of blood-money which needs to be paid ends up to be, the more successful they regard those criminal court proceedings to have been. Hence the twisted claim of these supposed representatives of Armenia that "The decision is a victory for Armenia" (screenshot) when they by their own statement did not even seek to achieve a punishment against that turkish man related to free speech (screenshot).
So why do you as outsiders get involved in the first place?
Just to confirm for the Armenians that the genocide really did happen?
Let me repeat my remark about Raphael Lemkin from Part 1 of this article:
No Armenian ever benefited from the lawyer Raphael Lemkin after he used the Armenian genocide to define a crime with no name
so that lawyers could use the term Genocide whenever the babylonian international community sees the need to involve itself into other people's affairs. Not for the pursuit of justice, but for the purpose of their babylonian deal-making to achieve whatever goal it may be in that given situation.
Furthermore, they used this underhanded trick in front of the European Court of Human Rights to supposedly wave Armenia's demand for any criminal penalty related to the Armenian genocide, when they themselves use the term Genocide based on the Armenian genocide whenever they need it for their babylonian deal-makings.
This does not mean that genocide does not happen, it happens so many times. It's just that the Babylonians do not care whether you will get justice for it, and they want to manage those affairs themselves because they themselves are involved in so many genocides.
The turks did not understand the ploy of these Babylonians. They perceived that a grave injustice was done unto them by preventing a turkish man from expressing his opinion publicly. So they expressed their hypocritical indignation in the media and saw in Amal Clooney an adversary. Little did they know that by the Babylonians supposedly absolving themselves from the guilt of this genocide, the turks indirectly benefited from it. Because if the sisterhood of the serpent had briefed their own henchmen of so many genocidal crimes about what they were intending to do to Armenia, then those henchmen would have demanded a large bribe for their participation in this babylonian ploy. So the Babylonians kept them out of the loop and used them indirectly.
The whore that is Babylon
It is no coincidence that these babylonian courts use as their idol the depiction of a half naked woman holding a scales in one hand and a sword in the other. The name of this babylonian idol is called Justizia in the German language, but you will find different names for it on your own language.
The word Justice in the English or Justiz in the German is related to the name of the Byzantine emperor Justinian I who reigned over the eastern Roman empire with his wife Theodora during the time from a.D. 527 to 565. His wife saved him his throne during some uprising against their double-reign (Doppelherrschaft in German). It was during this two-faced reign that they introduced the method of using homonyms for legal documents when it came to court proceedings. The western judicial system and any other legal system in the world which chooses to have an adulterous relationship with the whore Babylon bases their proceedings, methods and practices on this roman concept.
Although they call themselves Justice in the English language,
you should not expect to find justice in their court systems.
In closing...
If you take my comment #161 in the previous thread Palestine Open Thread 2024-107 (screenshot of comment-sequence) and add to it the parts of this lengthy article, you may ask yourself: Has he left out bashing anyone except the LGBT-plus-whatever-else community?
To which I would reply:
What opinion do you think do I have about this abomination? after it started to amass political power in your land, and worldwide, when the Babylonians installed Obama as president over you to turn your country into an Obamanation.
Her name is:
And in her will be found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.
Her sin is so great that God has determined for her to be given twice the punishment that she deserves for all the evil that she has done throughout the entire history of mankind:
Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double.
But before doing so, God warns that...
...Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
You could not possibly get a more accurate account about currently ongoing events and past events in the world, than that which God has given us through His prophets throughout history; and Muhammad was not one of them.
But you need to have the understanding according to the Spirit of God in order to understand what He means. This understanding is not limited to Christians only, of which there are so many fake ones in this world, but it is attainable for anyone who has the love of the Truth in his heart.
So do not let them who have rejected God deceive you.
--== Start: ADDED SECTION (4) - added on April 20th 2024 ==--
Before reaching my Sincerely
at the end of this lengthy article, I was moved to add this part also:
You can not attribute the concept BABYLON THE GREAT to a single group of people, neither to a single location. It is a religious cabal which has involved itself, or was lead to involve itself, from time immemorial into the affairs of the rulers of the darkness of this world
and spiritual wickedness in high places
, as described by the so precious Apostle Paul in Ephesians 6:13:
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
The wickedness which I have quoted from the Bible, and have described in this lengthy article, is currently engaged in its attempt to create a mirror-image of He who is real in order for it to show itself as if god.
And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
They have been engaged in a global campaign of child-abuse and child-mutilation in order to force an anomaly that a man can become a woman, or a woman can become a man; to use this mirror-image abomination for the whore Babylon in order to show herself as, or replace according to their wishful thinking Him who is our holy Father in heaven.
They have also sinned against the Holy Ghost to mess with people's psychy. They have committed this sin on an industrial scale through the cultural influence of their entertainment industry. The sin against the Holy Ghost is not forgiven, not in this world and neither in the world to come:
Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit
Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.
And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.
But believe you me, or let me phrase this as Jesus says such things in Scripture, verily, verily, I say unto you,
that even if these wicked Babylonians should succeed in deceiving the whole world, and should bribe all of you, who have read this article and received this message clearly and in advance, verily, verily, I say unto you, they will still find one Armenian Christian having REMAINED STANDING, who in the name of Hayk will spit in her face and SHATTER again that fake mirror-image of God, doing it against all odds; but not with bow and arrow as Hayk did it more than 4000 years ago against Nimrod, but this time with the power of the Word of God.
The Whole Armor of God
Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all,
to stand.
So if you, be it Jew or Gentile
, man or woman (and they who are confused which one they are), adult or child, angel or man, are motivated by the love of the Truth and have been inspired by this Battly Cry from one of Hayk's descendants the last man standing of the first Christian kingdom on this earth you are welcome to join the side of my Lord Jesus Christ.
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George (Gevorg)