Recently it was published in the news that America wants to have a strategic partnership
with Armenia. In response to this news I prepared a message for the Americans to share with them my remarks concerning this declaration.
I sent my message on January 17th 2025 to the Department of State of the United States of America.
I included the following parties as recipients of my message:
The foreign ministry of Armenia, the foreign ministry of Switzerland, the Russian embassy in Yerevan, the German embassy in Yerevan, the British embassy in Yerevan, the Georgian embassy in Yerevan, the French embassy in Yerevan, the Italian embassy in Yerevan, the Indian Embassy in Yerevan, the Romanian Embassy in Yerevan, the delegation of the European Union to Armenia, the Iranian embassy in Yerevan, the Turkish embassy in Washington D.C., the Azerbaijani Embassy in Washington D.C.
I publish my message to these governmental authorities here in this article; for those interested to read it.
A Christian message concerning your strategic partnership
and what you call democracy
To the representatives of the Americans at the Department of State.
I address this message to those who represent the government of the United States of America, to those who pursue the activities of foreign policy thereof, including Anthony Blinken.
This message should be forwarded to the Department of State; their staff is tasked with the activities of foreign policy, and I think they will also be aware of who is writing this message.
My name is Gevorg and I am an Armenian Christian. You will find that my name is spelled George
in the English language. It is in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that I explain these things to you. I do not represent anyone else, neither does anyone else represent me.
This message in addition to the explanations I published under my domain at [ ] is for your information. I am giving you wise counsel; for those willing to listen, for those capable of accepting it.
This is not an attempt to promote myself, neither is this an attempt to christianize anyone. I am just explaining to you the Law of this land of Armenia, my fatherland; explaining it in a way which none of the self-serving and self-righteous hypocrites with whom you usually deal would ever dare to do, would ever be capable of doing, or would even want to do. Good and Evil collide here in this land, even the very good and the very evil, and this goes back in history for a long time.
Becoming aware of the things I explain will help to avoid pitfalls and snares that lead to detrimental outcomes; outcomes that backfire in the opposite direction as intended or desired.
You are accustomed to accept and hear ambassadors from all the different countries in this world. Will you also hear someone who speaks in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ?
I will include as the recipients of this message other parties also, either because I will mention them in this message or because of them having some vested interest in the developing circumstances of this region in the world.
Recently it was published that America desires to upgrade
its relations with Armenia to a strategic partnership
January 15th 2025 -
The text of this agreement was published here:
Text of U.S.-Armenia Strategic Partnership Charter unveiled
January 15th 2025 -
You mention democratic values
, and the term democracy
is used a lot in that text. I will refer to it in this message and will share with you my remarks concerning this declaration.
Some people here in Armenia seem to be ecstatic about these new developments, predominantly because the current posturing of the Turks be it they in Azerbaijan eastwards of Armenia, or them in Turkey westwards of Armenia suggests yet another encroachment attempt, on top of the so many which have already taken place in the past history of this region.
But little do such people understand how often back-door deals and secret agreements hidden from public view are made between the actors involved before any such posturing is allowed to occur. The Russians have had their share of such secretive agreements with the Turks against the interests of the Armenians: In part because of them having grown weary of the duplicity of Armenian leadership, but also in part because some in their own ranks believe that behaving in an underhanded way is a wise thing to do; but such behavior goes against the meaning of honor. The conflict of Nagorno-Karabakh was artificially extended for a long time despite the attempts of previous Armenian governments who desired to solve it earlier just because it appeared opportune to the Russians to use the conflict as leverage in this region for the pursuit of their interests in Armenia and surrounding areas. There was no wisdom in this decision and therefore it did not bring forth good fruit for them.
Many years ago around the time of the Maidan Revolution in Ukraine I explained to someone related to Russian propaganda activities, that the Ukraine is being used against Russia as Nagorno-Karabakh has been used against Armenia; and that man he by the nickname of Saker and thinking of himself way more than he was did agree with my conclusion. Prior he had not perceived it that way. But the Russians did not learn from it anyway, and only intervened in Ukraine very belatedly. Guided by fruitless appeasement efforts, hesitancy for the right decisions, and duplicitous agreements with their declared enemies, they invited all kinds of negative consequences for their populations, for their state and for their land.
But neither do you the Americans trail behind when it comes to duplicitous machinations, as for example your collaboration with the Kurds against the government of Iraq a past ally during the Iraq war; to name just one example of so many. The list of available examples is staggering, but one can not mention so many details in such a brief message. And in most cases if not all it was done under the name of what you call democracy
The current government in Armenia was brought to power through a so called color-revolution financed and supported by you and western allies through so called NGOs (non governmental organizations who are financed to do the bidding of governments), without any regard for the institutionalized democratic process of Armenia, or any so called democratic values
whatever you intend to mean by that.
The Oxford dictionary defines democracy as:
A form of government in which the people have a voice in the exercise of power.
Well, having a voice in the exercise of power
does not necessarily mean having the power to make the decisions. But outwardly you promote your democracy
to people who are influenced by your propaganda as if they had the power to make the decisions. What you call democracy
ends up being a rule of monopolistic oligarchs driven by greed and insatiable covetousness, who aim to depose or sideline the real sovereign of the land; be it a monarch, or as in your case the Americans the people themselves.
Many problematic cases could be cited within America itself when it comes to your democracy
, problems that got worse and worse in the course of time. One gross example would be the shenanigans related to the presidential election in the year 2020 in America, which just annulled any illusions which the American people still had till then when it comes to your democracy
When the social fabric is corrupted due to godless culture, everything is corrupted, be it with or without your democracy
. And America has had a large share in disseminating godless culture in this world.
In Europe the government of the European Union to name just one recent example is currently engaged in activities to prevent the outcome of the democratic process in Germany and Romania. When your democracy
goes against the interests of the state, you just discard any so called democratic values
whatever they are meant to mean as you state in your declaration towards Armenia.
Other examples of disregard for what you call democratic values
by those whose power depends on democracy
do appear in increasing numbers in the daily news headlines.
But the Law of God which is the law of this land, my fatherland of Armenia which we call Hayk is not duplicitous. The Law of God is not Yes
and No
both at the same time like anomaly about which I explain in one of my articles [“eve-el„/#the_state_of_anomaly ] it is not colored with hypocrisy, it is not partial or biased, it does not tell publicly the opposite of what it actually intends to do, and it does not rely on duplicitous underhandedness.
As God says it, so He means it.
The Law of God does condemn evil, the law of this world does not. The law of this world is a trade deal; as I explain in that same article called “eve-el„ [“eve-el„/ ]. The law of this world is in contrast to the Law of God.
In the kingdom of God the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ whom I represent there is no such thing as democracy
. There is no voting for God neither with nor without remotely controlled voting machines there is no manufactured propaganda for God, there are no NGO activities to bring God to power, there are no fabricated polling numbers in favor of God, neither is there any financing by oligarchs for the candidacy of God. Instead it is God who chooses His elect not the other way around and He recognizes His elect by their conduct in this world. Such is the real Law of this land here in Armenia.
When God called the Patriarch Abraham He promised him to bless those who bless him and to curse those who curse him:
· Now Yahweh had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:
· And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:
· And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
Book of Genesis, chapter 12: verses 1 to 3 - King James version
Furthermore God promised to Abraham that in the seed of Abraham which is the Son of man Jesus all the nations of the earth shall be blessed:
· And said, By myself have I sworn, saith Yahweh, for because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son:
· That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies;
· And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice.
Book of Genesis, chapter 22: verses 16 to 18 - King James version
Scripture has many passages which confirm the Son of man Jesus to be that promised seed. Here is only one example when Zacharias the father of John the Baptist prophesied about Jesus the Son of man to be that promised seed mentioned in God's oath towards Abraham:
· And his father Zacharias was filled with the Holy Ghost, and prophesied, saying,
· Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for he hath visited and redeemed his people,
· And hath raised up an horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David;
· As he spake by the mouth of his holy prophets, which have been since the world began:
· That we should be saved from our enemies, and from the hand of all that hate us;
· To perform the mercy promised to our fathers, and to remember his holy covenant;
· The oath which he sware to our father Abraham,
· That he would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear,
· In holiness and righteousness before him, all the days of our life.
Book of Luke in the New Testament, chapter 1: verses 67 to 74 - King James version
Therefore be it known to you the Americans or anyone for that matter who aspires for a partnership with Armenia that this ruler the Lord Jesus Christ reigns here in my fatherland of Armenia. If you go against Him, you go against God. If you can accept this reality it will be a blessing for you, if you choose to ignore, sideline, ridicule or outright deny this reality, it will backfire on you; just as in so many instances throughout history when people chose to make opposition against God, the very same type of people with which this land of Armenia is so burdened with due to their great number and due to the long-standing history of their godless activities.
The timespan given to the beast-system mentioned in Scripture has expired; the very beast-system in which the governments and bureaucracies of this world trusted and chose to rely or depend on. I explain about this in the section The 42 months of the Dragon [ http://մարգարէ.հայ/#վիշապի-42-ամիսը ]. Whatever pretense the operators of the beast-system want to make despite of it, it remains on their head and on those whom they succeed to captivate. They surely will not determine that the end of their timespan supposedly is a new beginning for them; which thing the wicked Babylonians the operators and controllers of the beast-system desperately seek to convince others through their deceitful counsel.
What comes after the beast-system is the reign of the Son of God Jesus Christ.
In the course of history Armenia has many times been tossed to and fro by foreign powers which sought to pursue their own interest in this part of the world and gain their advantages. Such foreign powers have always sought to support those elements within a targeted population who through incentives will agree to favor the interests of such foreign powers. And such activities have had such a long history here in Armenia it being in the crossroads of foreign powers that the real and indigenous Armenians them being Christians for more than seventeen hundred years by now became a minority in their own land; due to the prosperity and increase of such non-Christian and non-Armenian elements within the population, elements ready to side with anyone who is willing to bribe them and support their advancement in life, elements who are easily captivated by the influence of this or that spirit, elements who color themselves with whatever identity they are trained and tasked to acquire in order to pursue their own selfish interests.
Amongst the powerful nations in this world it is a well established practice with a long tradition in history to use minorities in a targeted nation in order to achieve the goals which their selfish interests aim at. And the agencies of your American state apparatus have continually developed the means and methods for such machinations throughout the course of so many decades of so called color-revolutions or regime-changes.
But the governments and bureaucracies of this world in Scripture they are referred to as powers and principalities who serve(d) the beast-system, did not choose to just deny God. Through their agencies involved in arcane activities based on occult knowledge they even sought to replace God.
Many governments in this world including you the Americans, and the Russians, and the British, and the Swiss (Large Hadron Collider), and the Vatican, and others have dedicated research to the influencing and manipulating of the spiritual realm. Outwardly they call such activities science in order to maintain their denial of the existence of God but in reality they pursue to discover that which really Is, while publicly claiming that it does not even exit.
They know as I also do know that whatever realizes in the Physical/Carnal world is first determined in the Spiritual; the legitimacy of it and the allowance for it is determined in the Spiritual. If there is none found for it in the Spiritual it will not be realized in the Physical/Carnal, regardless of how many armies, weapons or modern technologies are mustered for the enforcement of it. The enemy of God tries to impose its will from the Physical/Carnal unto the Spiritual, but God's will is done from the Spiritual unto the Physical/Carnal ( ... Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
... - The Lord's Prayer in the book of Matthew, chapter 6: verses 9 to 13 - King James version - This line from the Lord's Prayer describes how the will of God is done from the Spiritual unto the Physical/Carnal ).
The governments and organizations in this world have grown accustomed to using intermediaries be it individuals or in an organized group-form for the conduct of forbidden arcane activities based on occult knowledge, and in our current times even amplified by modern technology. Through such forbidden activities they aim to gather (steal) secret information remotely, influence the thinking and behavior of others remotely, cause harm to others remotely, or even to determine the resulting outcome of events in their own favor.
Activities of denying or manipulating the spiritual identity of a person are described in Scripture as Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit. They are condemned by God and have no forgiveness whatsoever, not in this world, nor in the world to come:
· And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.
Book of Matthew, chapter 12: verse 32 - King James version
· But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation:
Book of Mark, chapter 3: verse 29 - King James version
They who nonetheless engage in such activities doing it knowingly and willfully have sought ways how to artificially fabricate a mindset, how to synthesize someone's opinion and consciousness; and how to deploy it, be it for themselves as a benefit, or be it unto a target as a detriment.
They are capable of organizing a grand scam of duplicitous, collective, conspiratorial play-acting à la Truman show [ ] to sideline, ignore, ridicule and deny the truth of a person or even Truth Himself in order to attempt to color themselves with it.
And because they choose to condemn themselves with their sinful activities beyond the point of no return, they cling to all manner of superstitious beliefs to comfort themselves, for example to the belief that the mere passing of a day is enough for the remission of their sins; them having corrupted themselves to such a degree as to have become utterly reprobate to the concept of repentance.
I have found myself at the receiving end of such evil machinations for an extended period of time, and I think that Anthony Blinken amongst other government officials included in the list of recipients of this message will know what type of activities I am describing here. This experience lead me to realize how widely spread such practices have become in this world. The term touchless torture was used in one online article about this topic, others use terms like mind-control, remote viewing, remote influencing, or as I describe it in my articles cognitive terrorism. It is about the influencing of other people's consciousness in order to achieve a desired behavior, or about causing physical or psychological harm to others remotely. The perpetrators of such evil do organize groups and individuals in the immediate surrounding of a targeted individual, and they also use any means at their disposal to gather and compile information about the targeted person. They promote activities like gang stalking
as if some kind of fun entertainment for those who are invited to participate in it. Popular culture has been used to cultivate the habit of engaging in such forbidden occult activities as if it being some kind of candy for children, and those spiritual malefactors do intentionally involve and abuse children and adolescents for this purpose.
Throughout the years of my persecution I have been targeted by various governments and/or their agencies. Amongst these have been: The British, you the Americans, the Russians, the Israelis ( with increased vigor after my publication of the article called “Anything but Jesus„ [“Anything_but_Jesus„/ ] ), the Germans (being used as intermediary scapegoats), briefly the Ukrainian Nazis, briefly and vengeful the Iranians, briefly the Azeris (quite a while ago), actors from the Vatican, actors from the local priesthood, possibly other governments and/or agencies which I do not list here, and actors from the sisterhood of the serpent about whom I explain in my articles at who in all likelihood are being employed by all these governments for the conduct of such activities, or who do use these governments for the conduct of the desires of their wicked heart. I do not mention the Armenian government here because such activities of spiritual mischief are so widely spread here in this land, and have had such a long history in this land, that many ordinary people will not hesitate to corrupt themselves with such sinful activities regardless of whether they have been tasked by a government or not in exchange for a morsel of bread, let alone for the incentives which governmental actors can afford to offer them for the carrying out of such activities as it is ordered and organized through social media networks. Many people in my social surrounding improved their material standing throughout all these years while I was being targeted by their collective persecution without them having any evident new source of income for their livelihood.
Never did it even bother my mind to seek recourse against such evil actors in what you call democracy
, because there is none to be found in your democracy
. What understanding of your democratic process do you think do people have when they corrupt themselves to such a degree of abject godlessness? I think you do know that such people have none, and I also think that you do count on it.
Apparently governments in this world the very same governments who promote the idea of your democracy
and human rights
have accepted the ill advice to liken the citizenship of the people in their countries as being a declaration of consent for to be targeted spiritually by such abominable practices; for the sake of the evil perpetrators in the background to supposedly whitewash themselves from their guilt of such sinful activities. As if the consent of ignorant victims would annul the Law of God, which is of course nonsense. But there is no limit to imagining nonsense when people as a consequence of their godlessness give themselves to superstitious beliefs.
In order to free myself from such nonsense, and to unburden governmental officials who choose to accept such superstition as their belief, I renounced my German citizenship which I had for more than twenty five years in June of 2024. At some point my adversaries had begun to increase their activities of cognitive terrorism sponsored by the liberal government of Germany which currently has been dissolved by Olaf Scholz. It became such an annoyance that I chose to be not counted as a member of what you call democracy
, lest such liberal fools in governmental positions be used as scapegoats for the approval of governmental resources for the carrying out of such sinful activities against the spiritual identity of a person. I will include the letter which I sent to the German embassy in Yerevan in June of 2024 as an attachment to this message; for your information.
In your democracy
, if a majority decides to do such evil against a minority, then it does not violate the concept of what you call democratic values
; it's just what they them being a majority choose to do, based on their godless understanding which sees no wrong in doing evil. When people grow up under the influence of godless culture, then your democracy
is no guarantor that the people will make the right decisions.
But wisdom which has its beginning with the fear of Yahweh does lead to making the right decisions:
· The fear of Yahweh is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.
Book of Proverbs, chapter 9: verse 10 - King James version
The only recourse to be found against the evil of such spiritual malefactors is in the Law of God, not in what you call democracy
. God has condemned such abominable practices from time immemorial. This is for example found in the book of Deuteronomy, chapter 18: verses 10 to 12 - King James version.
I do not expect to find your democracy
speaking out against or condemning such evil.
The crux of the matter is this:
God has a presence in this land, not amongst the heathen who show themselves as if Christian when they are not, not amongst the deceitful strangers who show themselves as if Armenians when they are not, neither within the corrupted priesthood which has enlarged itself within the Armenian Apostolic Church, and neither in the churches and monasteries defiled by the Babylonians through their idolatry and blaspheming of God; but in those who are genuine Christians like myself.
Remember this in your attempt of spreading your democracy
in this region.
Unlike my collective persecutors who develop for themselves a mastery in talking about someone behind his back while pretending to ignore him, I regard such behavior as impolite. Therefore I will include in this message as recipients for as much as I can find valid contact email addresses those governments whom I mention in this message, so they can make their own conclusions. I will also include other governments not directly mentioned in this message, who may also be interested in reading and evaluating this message.
We do not live during the time of the Apostles when Christianity was at its beginning. Much time has passed since then. If you the governments in this world choose to still not know the difference between Good and Evil, then you never will.